Home Operations Why Trinidad

Why Trinidad

A Rich History in Oil & Gas

Trinidad is approximately 5,000 square kilometers in size and is located adjacent to the South American mainland, less than 11 kilometers to the northeast of Venezuela. It is situated within the Venezuela basin, recognized as the world’s largest hydrocarbon basin.

The country has a rich history in the oil and gas sector, accompanied by substantial infrastructure and a wealth of expertise. The disparity between supply and demand continues to prevail, guaranteeing a consistent market appetite for Touchstone’s oil and gas.


1866 First oil is discovered
1908First commercial onshore oil production commences
1912First refinery built
1953First commercial use of natural gas to generate power at the Penal power station
1975Formation of the National Gas Company of Trinidad for the transmission and sale of natural gas
1989Trinidad introduced LOAs and farm-outs
1991Start-up of the Phoenix Park natural gas processing facility
1996Construction of the Atlantic LNG facility commences
1998Invested US$355 million to upgrade the Point-a-Pierre refinery, increasing capacity to 160,000 bbls/d
1999Atlantic LNG train 1 begins production
2001Production commenced at Titan Methanol, the world’s largest methanol plant at 1.7 million tonnes per year
2002-2003Start-up of Atlantic LNG trains 2 and 3
2005Start-up of Atlantic LNG train 4 – the world’s largest LNG train with a capacity of 800 mcf/d