Description of the business: | For more information, go to Company Overview |
Directors’ biographies: | For more information, go to Directors’ Biographies |
Board committees: | For more information, go to Board Committees |
Details of incorporation: | Touchstone Exploration Inc. is incorporated in Canada under the Alberta Business Corporations Act with registered number 2024807295. As the Company is incorporated in Canada, shareholders’ rights may be different from the rights of shareholders in a UK incorporated company. Touchstone is an oil and gas exploration and production company currently active in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. |
Constitutional documents: | Please view our By-law No. 1 |
Details of any other exchanges or trading platforms: | The Company’s common shares are dual listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange under the symbol “TXP”. |
The number of securities in issue: | 236,460,661 common shares of no par value. No shares are held in treasury. |
Significant shareholders: | Premier Miton Group PLC Number of common shares held: 15,118,766 Percentage of issued share capital: 6.4 Edale Captal LLP Number of common shares held: 12,289,040 Percentage of issued share capital: 5.2 5.6% of common shares are not in public hands. |
Rule 17 of the AIM Rules requires, inter alia, that shareholders notify an AIM listed company once their holdings is three percent or more, and changes thereto. | |
Details of any restrictions on the transfer of securities: | None |
Annual and interim reports: | See Reports & Filings |
Company announcements: | See News |
Admission document and circulars: | Please view our AIM Admission Document Please view our May 8, 2024 Management Information Circular |
UK City Code on takeovers and mergers: | The Company is not resident in the UK, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man and is therefore not subject to the City Code. However, Canadian laws applicable to the Company provide for early warning disclosure requirements and for takeover bid rules for bids made to security holders in various jurisdictions in Canada, a summary of which is set out in the Admission Document. |
Company advisers: | See Corporate Information |
Corporate governance: | As a result of its listing on the TSX and being a reporting issuer in Alberta, Canada and other Canadian provinces, the Company has established corporate governance practices and procedures appropriate for a publicly listed company. The Company is subject, among other laws and regulations, to instruments published by relevant Canadian securities regulators. Specifically, the Company adheres to Canadian National Instrument 58-101 – Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices (“NI 58-101”), which prescribes certain disclosure by the Company of its corporate governance practices and Canadian National Policy 58-201 – Corporate Governance Guidelines, which provides non-prescriptive guidelines on corporate governance practices for reporting issuers. The Company complies with Canadian corporate governance standards appropriate for publicly listed companies. NI 58-101 prescribes that an issuer must include certain disclosures in its annual management information circular. Please see Touchstone’s current corporate governance disclosures in our May 8, 2024 Management Information Circular |