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Business Strategy

Our Vision

Touchstone’s business strategy is centered around driving production growth, profitability and corporate responsibility in the Trinidad energy industry. We have a simple vision – to be the industry leader in Trinidad’s energy industry with a clear path to achieving:

1. Growth opportunities in Trinidad

We see significant growth opportunity for Touchstone and the Trinidad oil and gas industry. Touchstone has outlined a clear strategy to increase our production in Trinidad through:

  • Further development at Coho and Cascadura fields;
  • Focus on exploration prospects near existing infrastructure;
  • Acquiring additional exploration assets; and
  • Mergers and acquisitions.
2. Fiscal responsibility
  • Prudent management of the balance sheet;
  • Rigorous cost control, striving to optimize operational efficiencies and reduce costs;
  • Targeting significant growth in our cash flows from operations; and
  • Fixed-price gas contract, which provides stable funding for future capital projects.
3. Responsible acquisition strategy
  • Continuolusly evaluating the potential of value-accretive mergers and acquisitions.
4. Leading by example as a responsible operator

We strive to be an industry leader in minimizing the environmental impacts of our operations. As a “Trinidad Champion” we drive significant social and economic growth within the communities we operate:

  • Our workforce is predominantly Trinidadian;
  • Investing in the country through various initiatives (see more in Sustainability); and
  • Revenue generated from our operations is invested back into Trinidad.